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Course Selection Timeline

Date                                                          Task


Mid Feb. 2025                                School Counselors presentations to students in 8th - 11th grade


Early March 2025                           Course selection sheets due


March -  Early April 2025               Students may meet individually with their assigned school counselor


May 2025                                         Master schedule created and finalized


June 2025                                        Students’ 2025-26 tentative schedules mailed home*







All student requests for a schedule change must be initiated on or before August 8th.  Students may request a counseling office appointment (before the end of the school year), email or call their counselor to make a schedule change request.  After August 8th, any requests for change will require completion of a Schedule Change Request Form.  Forms are available online with a link found on the counseling office website.  Request forms will be reviewed by an Administrator and the student will be notified if the request has been approved or denied.


Requests for change will be honored for the following reasons:

-Student did not meet the prerequisites for the course

-Student failed a course and needs to retake the course

-Courses were scheduled in non-sequential order (ex. Spanish II before Spanish I)

-Student has a hole in their schedule - period of the day without a course scheduled


All requests will be individually reviewed.



Student course requests are very important and shape the way the entire school-wide schedule is formed. Students should seriously consider which classes they are requesting and review course selection with their parents/guardians.  Alternate course requests should be carefully considered.  These courses will be used in place of first choice requests that do not fit in the student’s schedule.  If alternate choices are not selected, alternate choices will be selected for the student. 

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