Counseling Department
Every student in Donegal High School is assigned to a school counselor who provides information and vocational, educational, and personal counseling. Counseling contacts with a student are kept strictly confidential. Students in the high school are assigned a counselor according to the “first letter” of their last name. Mr. Bistline’s caseload is A – Go; Mrs. Springer’s case load is Gr - M; and Mr. Rosengrant’s case load is N – Z.
Counseling services include individual counseling, small group counseling, large group guidance, educational and interest testing, and referral services. The Donegal High School testing program is designed to provide the student, parents, and counselors with information about student interests and abilities. This information helps the student make realistic educational and vocational choices.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to meet with the counselor about questions concerning their student’s present program or future educational and/or vocational plans. Opportunities available to high school graduates include business schools, the Armed Forces, community and junior colleges, four-year colleges and universities, nursing, technical and trade schools. Information concerning these options is available in the Career Center and students are encouraged to explore their interests and options. The career center is located in the high school counseling office.
Also available to students is our College and Career Advisor. This individual assists students and parents with the transition into a post-secondary education experience at a college or university.
XELLO is a computer-based program that provides career counseling and all students are encouraged to take advantage of this program which includes data on occupations, two-year and four-year colleges and evaluation tests which are designed to assist students in their decision making process. Job characteristics of particular interest to the student can also be used to identify relevant occupations. Also included is information on the armed services. We will require that all students in grades 9 through 11 complete assignments related to the PA Career Readiness Standards during designated times throughout the school year. The Pennsylvania Board of Education requires that all schools provide education in career readiness that fall within the following four categories:
- Career Awareness and Preparation
- Career Acquisition
- Career Retention and Advancement
- Entrepreneurship
Every student in grades 9 through 11 is required to complete 8 lessons with at least one lesson associated with one of the domains listed above. Schools have to collect proof of participation and engagement through artifacts. Donegal High School uses the online platform called Xello to track and manage the completion of these artifacts.
When colleges select students, they try to determine whether the student has an academic background that will enable him/her to be successful at, and contribute to, their school. In analyzing a student for admission, most colleges and universities consider the following data:
Scholastic Record –A student’s scholastic record is carefully evaluated by college admissions officers. An official Donegal High School transcript is sent to the school by the career center in accordance with the specific college procedure.
Class Rank – Class rank is a quick way to tell if a student is above average or below average in academic performance. Donegal High School follows the ranking method recommended by the National Association of Secondary School Principals. Weights are assigned to letter grades and also the level of course taken. For weighting, please see page 19. Class rank is determined at the end of the school year for all grades. Class rank is recorded on the student’s transcript.
Admissions Tests – Almost all colleges require tests for admission. The most commonly used test in the eastern United States is the SAT. The SAT consists of verbal and mathematical sections. Some colleges, particularly in the west and south, require the American College Test (ACT). The SAT II subject area tests may also be required by a college or university. Please check with the college or university you are interested in for specifics. Counselors can provide students with information on all of these tests.
Subjects Taken and Activities – Colleges are interested in the type and quality of the courses the student elects to take each year and in the student’s participation in extracurricular activities.