Partnership for Access to Higher Education (PHEAA)
When students receive funding from PHEAA, they may also be considered for the PATH program, which provides supplemental grant funding to students demonstrating need.
2025 Central Pennsylvania Chapter
of ASHRAE Scholarship
Some important notes regarding the scholarship:
- Candidates must be full-time students enrolled in an accredited program pursuing a degree in an HVAC&R and related field.
- Candidates must submit a completed application (also attached to this email), resume, and either a letter of recommendation or a one-page essay on “My Interests in HVAC&R and My Goals Upon Graduation.”
- All application materials should be mailed/emailed to me and are due no later than April 13, 2025.
Click Here for Application:
Marietta Memorial Day Essay Scholarship
10th, 11th, and 12th Grades
Write an essay on "What Memorial Day Means To Me"
Turn in Essay to Mr. Neideigh by April 3rd.
Willing to attend the Memorial Day Parade
Pennsylvania Land Surveyors' Foundation
The Pennsylvania Land Surveyors' Foundation is offering academic scholarships to students pursuing a bachelor's or associate's degree in land surveying.
Due Date is April 30, 2025
The Lancaster-Lebanon School Business Officials and The Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials
The scholarship honors Joseph F. Kurjaka, the deceased Business Manager and chief Operating Officer of Manheim Township School District. Mr. Kurjiaka previously served as Business Manager of Columbia Borough School District and Auditor for the Pennsylvania Auditor General's Office. He graduated from Lancaster Catholic High School and Pennsylvania State University.
Applications must be postmarked by Friday, March 28, 2025
The Farm and Home Foundation
of Lancaster County
Lancaster County Farm & Home Foundation Scholarships will support Lancaster County students pursuing post-secondary agriculture and family consumer science education to prepare students for successful careers and a lifetime of informed choices in the global agriculture, food, fiber, natural, and renewable resources systems. As defined by The National FFA Organization,“Agricultural education is a systematic program of instruction available to students desiring to learn about the science, business, and technology of plant and animal production and/or about the environmental and natural resources systems.” Participation in the FFA Organization is not a requirement to be eligible for the scholarship.
All documents are due to the Lancaster location by Wednesday, April 9, 2025.
Donegal-Witness Tree Scholarship Chapter Daughters of The American Revolution
The Donegal-Witness Tree Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution is again offering a scholarship. The chapter is committed to historical preservation, promotion of education, and encouragement of patriotic endeavors.
All documents are to be postmarked by March 28, 2025
Please stop by the Counseling Office to pick up the forms.
***One of the forms attached is a School Recommendation Letter. This will need to be submitted to the person you are asking to complete the form two weeks before the due date.
The Donegal Foundation has scholarship monies available for students pursuing postsecondary education in several areas. You may apply for one or more than one of the scholarships listed below:
- Health Care - postsecondary education related to the healthcare field
- STEM - postsecondary education related to science, technology, engineering, or math
- Community Service - recognizes students who have actively served their Donegal/Lancaster County communities by volunteering their time and talent throughout their high school years.
- Sue Folly Anderson - post-secondary education primarily in an art-related discipline and secondarily in elementary education.
- John N. and Barbara A. Weidman Agriculture Scholarship - a student entering a post-secondary program in agriculture, agribusiness, or an agriculture-related science field.
- Trade Education Scholarship - This scholarship encourages post-secondary training in the trade area. The scholarship will be awarded to a student pursuing post-secondary education/training in trade skills such as those taught at the Lancaster County Career and Technology Center (LCCTC). The scholarship award is $1000.
Mount Joy Area Chamber of Commerce
2025 Scholarship
The purpose of the Mount Joy Area Chamber of Commerce Scholarship is to encourage and support promising future workforce leaders in our community.
All necessary documents must be submitted by Friday, May 9, 2025, to be considered
Mount Joy Area Chamber of Commerce
2025 Dorothy Metzler Memorial
Community Service Scholarship
This scholarship recognizes and awards a student or individual who actively demonstrates the spirit of volunteering and community service by dedicating their time, efforts, and talents to improving their community and the lives of those in need.
All necessary documents must be submitted by Friday, May 9, 2025, to be considered.
Donegal Education Association Scholarships
"Attention all Donegal Seniors. Each year, the Donegal Education Association (DEA) awards scholarships to graduating seniors who are planning on furthering their education beyond high school. To apply, please click on the link below and complete the application. All applications are due by 3:00 pm on April 1st, 2025. If you have any questions or need help with the application, please contact Mr. Dougherty in room C213."
Due Date is April 1st, 2025 by 3:00pm
Lancaster County Conservation District
Ann Brown Memorial Scholarship
Completed applications must be received in the LCCD office by March 27, 2025.
Luthercare Scholarships
Luthercare is offering scholarships to high school seniors in Berks, Lancaster, Lebanon, and York Counties who plan to pursue a nursing degree. Two $5,000 scholarships, two $3,000 scholarships, and nine $1,000 scholarships will be awarded this spring.
The Due Date is April 2, 2025
Lancaster Building Industry Foundation
The deadline is April 30, 2025
Ashara - Casiphia Lodge No. 551
Free and Accepted Masons (F&AM)
Mount Joy, PA
- The scholarship will be open to applications by students who intend to pursue 2-year and 18-month degree/diploma programs after high school in addition to 4-year college degrees.
- The applicant must be a Donegal High School Senior with a GPA of 2.50 or above and is pursuing continued education.
- To be eligible to receive a scholarship from Ashara – Casiphia Lodge No. 551, F&AM, an applicant must have a Masonic relationship through the applicant’s father, uncle, stepfather, grandfather, step-grandfather, brother or brother-in-law.
The deadline is March 31, 2025
Marlene M. Woody Scholarship
Marlene Woody was a long-time resident of Mount Joy and an elementary school teacher, including some time in the Donegal School District. Her life of faith and teaching inspired many individuals, including her daughter, Kristine Kimbark, a teacher in the Donegal School District.
Requirements: DHS senior entering a 4-year post-secondary accredited institution majoring in teaching.
Involved in community and/or faith-based service.
GPA above 2.5
The recipient will receive a $3,000 scholarship.
All applications are due by April 15.
East Donegal Township
Board of Supervisors Scholarship
The East Donegal Township Board of Supervisors is awarding a $1,000 scholarship to a graduating senior currently attending Donegal High School and a resident of East Donegal Township who plans to further their education as a full-time student at an accredited junior college, college, university, or vocational school. The award money is for one year only and for tuition, books, and fees only.
A scholarship selection committee will review all entries and select the most qualified applicant. The committee will consider (no priority given) the field of study, character, scholastic record, involvement in community work, written recommendations, and extracurricular activities of all applicants in determining the scholarship recipient. Financial need is not an eligibility factor.
Applications and all required documentation must be mailed by the student and received by the Township Supervisors by 4:00 PM, April 10, 2025.
District 9 VFW and VFW Auxilliary
Two Nursing Scholarships of $1000.00 each are being offered to graduating High School students residing in Lancaster or Chester County. The scholarships are available to students entering the Nursing Profession upon their 2025 graduation from high school.
All applications for the Ervin L. Steele scholarship must be on file with the student's High School Counselor no later than April 4th, 2025.
Feakins Foundation Scholarship
The upcoming group of scholarship application deadlines will be April 22 at 3:00 pm unless stated otherwise.
This scholarship is for any graduating senior who will be entering the workforce with a need to purchase tools, equipment, supplies, uniforms, etc., for his/her profession.
Rivertownes PA US
The mission statement of Rivertownes PA US is to cultivate the art, heritage and recreation of the river towns of Columbia, Marietta and Wrightsville, Pennsylvania. Rivertownes is a community organization that supports local organizations and projects that will enhance and benefit the community.
Kennedy McKinney DeShields (KMD) Grant
- Must plan to attend a trade school, two- or four-year college or university
- Weighted GPA of 2.8 or better
- Participated in Donegal High School Extracurricular Activity (basketball, band, drama, track & field, etc.) program and/or have a full-time or part-time job
- Must have a financial or economic need
Gene McComsey Softball Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is available to a Donegal High School senior softball player.
Award: $1,000 Cash Award
- Must have a minimum 3.0 GPA
- Participate in community service
- Athlete demonstrates good character on and off the softball field
- The athlete shall submit a short essay that describes how she leads her life with kindness, compassion and integrity through school and community service.
Walter Ickes Memorial School Citizenship Award
This $200 cash award will be presented to a Donegal senior and Marietta resident who has exhibited outstanding citizenship qualities through service to the school.
Mount Joy - American Legion Post 185 Walter S. Ebersole Scholarship
To qualify, the boy or girl must be a son or daughter of a veteran who has served honorably in any branch of the armed forces.
Applicant must be a graduating senior from your local high school and to have been accepted to a college in the State of Pennsylvania.
Amount of Scholarship: $500
Sanford and Sandra Youngerman Scholarship
$250 to a student who resides in Mount Joy and shows excellence in academics and extracurricular activities and who will be pursuing a post-secondary degree.
Seth Andrew Nornhold Memorial Scholarship
Each year, a $2500 scholarship will be awarded to a graduating senior who has participated in any of the music programs at Donegal High School. The scholarship will be awarded to a student pursuing higher education to assist with the costs of attending the institution of their choice.
To be considered for this scholarship, the student must be a resident of Donegal School District and have been a registered student in the district during their high school years.
The student should have participated in any one or more of the music programs of Donegal High School. This may include marching, concert or jazz band, chorus, Rhythm Singers, string orchestra, color guard, or another program within the Donegal Music Association.
In order to be considered for the Seth Andrew Nornhold Memorial Scholarship, several criteria are required: the student will complete an application form; they must show a letter of acceptance and proof of enrollment in the higher-level institution to which they will be attending. The student will also submit a short musical performance video. A final requirement is an essay in which they share a story about themselves. The only guidelines for the essay are that it be a true story about themselves and reflect an experience that impacts who they are today.
Matthew “Matt” Ferruzza graduated from Donegal High School in 2013. Matt tragically lost his life as the result of a motorcycle accident on July 20th, 2024. Throughout Matt’s high school career, his biggest achievements weren’t just being academically inclined by taking honor classes and maintaining straight “A’s” but also being a part of the Donegal High School Football team, wearing Jersey #52. He played offensive guard and defensive end. Matt’s love for football was like no other- he started playing this sport when he was only 8 years old. Matt grew up establishing the best friendships with teammates- these friendships remain just as strong today.
The Matthew David Ferruzza Scholarship is available to a Donegal High School football player pursuing post-high school studies at either a 2 or 4-year accredited institution. This scholarship is intended to recognize a high school football senior who embodies the characteristics of Matthew - resilient, determined, a team player, and a hard worker.
(Academic or Technical Degree)
The purpose of the scholarship is intended to provide scholarships for students graduating from Donegal High School, regardless of race, color, or creed. The award will be made based on character, scholastic achievement, and commitment to school and community.
This scholarship is for $1,000.00 per year for either a two- or four-year period, depending on the degree. The annual award will be paid to the recipient upon successfully completing the first semester at the institution (College, University, Technical School) where the recipient is enrolled.
William Brenner
American Legion Post #466
This scholarship is available to a Donegal High School graduating senior (resident of Marietta or Maytown.)
Applicant must be attending an accredited institution of higher learning (i.e., college, nursing school, trade or technical school, military academy, etc.)
The scholarship does not apply to correspondence schools.
School and community involvement
GPA above 3.0.
Dr. Thomas W. O'Connor, Sr.
The O’Connor Memorial Scholarship pays tribute to Dr. Thomas W. O’Connor Sr., a Mount Joy physician who served the Donegal School District and its residents during his nearly 40 years of active practice, and his wife, Mrs. Mary Ellen O’Connor. Dr. and Mrs. O'Connor were devoted to their family and the many friends whose lives they touched through their extensive community service activities. Lifelong advocates of learning and education, they especially sought to inspire and support young people in their pursuit of knowledge and service to humanity. The scholarships bearing their names are to be awarded annually to two graduating seniors from Donegal High School who have demonstrated interest in health services and who plan to pursue post-secondary education in preparation for entering a health services field or profession.
Northwest EMS Foundation Scholarship
This scholarship is for $1,000.00 and will be awarded to a student who will be pursuing a post-secondary degree or career path in the medical/healthcare industry.
GPA score of 3.0 or higher.
Involved in community service and activities.
DHS female senior entering a 4-year accredited post-secondary institution majoring in the elementary education field.