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Graduation Requirements

To receive a Donegal High School diploma, a student must successfully complete a minimum number of courses during grades 9,10,11,12 as outlined below:


AREAS                                              CREDITS                                                                             

English*                                              4.0

Mathematics*                                    4.0

Science*                                              3.0      

Social Studies*                                   4.0

Fitness                                                 1.5 (0.5 credits must be taken in 11th or 12th grade)

Wellness 10 & 11                               1.0

Freshman Writing Seminar**          0.5

     (Information Literacy)                                                                              

Personal Finance**                            1.0

Arts & Humanities and Electives*** 5.0                                                                  


TOTAL                                                   24                                                                               


Graduation requirements are modified for students attending full year CTC programs during their 12th grade year. Students must take an English and Social Studies course in their senior year.  


* Must include required courses per items above and check department course descriptions.

** Freshman Writing Seminar (Information Literacy) is required to be taken in 9th grade and Personal Finance is required to be taken in 11th grade  

***Courses that satisfy the Arts and Humanities 2 required credits may be selected from the following areas:

               English and Social Studies (beyond the four required units)                                 



               World Language


*** All courses beyond the required courses are considered electives.  

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